Saturday, April 12, 2008

Pens, pencils, and whatever?

On Thursday (4/10/2008) I was a guest on The Writer's Forum on WERU radio. One of the topics that we discussed was the actual instruments that we use to write. I tend to write on the computer now, but I didn't always and I still try to have a notebook with me most of the time.

When I write by hand, I like a smooth wet pen point. Real ink, flowing easily. Just in the last year I've started to write a lot in pencil. It makes the writing come easier for me as if to say: I'm just jotting this down. It doesn't have to be perfect or permanent.

One of my favorite ways to write, especially when I am working on a longer piece, is to write in a notebook and then edit it as I write it into the computer.

I have an enormous collection of pens, not collector's items, just a lot of pens. One of my favorite's is the one my son brought back to me from Vienna. It is all glass and came with a bottle of ink. I don't really use it, but it is still a favorite.

What do you like to use for your writing?


Rossweisse said...

Wow! We have a lot in common. I also prefer writing longhand then performing the first edit whilst putting it into the computer. Of my 'a lot of pens', I most often use a wonderful Parker even though it has a medium, rather than fine, nib or a Pelikan with a gorgeous two tone pelican on the nib. For journals, Moleskine notebooks are my favorite. The paper is just so fabulous. I get the plain large notebook so there are no pesky lines to distract if words are not enough and I want to draw. For other purposes, Prism brand legal pads work well. The paper is compatible with fountain pens, a very important criterion, and they come in fun colors. I think I hate to write, but for some reason I keep doing it anyway. That was a bit long-winded, but you did ask ...

Ellie O'Leary said...

Hi, Rossweisse. The tools we use are definitely part of our practice. I don't think you hate to write, not if you have a good pen in hand anyway.

Anonymous said...

You know, I can't read my own handwriting any longer and can't imagine writing anything by longhand. My hat is off to you -- that's dedication. Just the way time stretches out, turning the words into letters on a page when writing instead of typing would shut me down. I can't hold thoughts in my head long enough to translate them at less than about 80 words per minute. You rock!

Priscilla Rice said...

I find that using a computer to write just re-enacts my many years as a typist and causes my creativity to get cranky. After trying many different gadgets and strange-looking gizmos for pens (due to carpal tunnel from all that typing), I've found that a $2.99 fountain pen works best. It requires almost no pressure from my hand and allows ideas to flow smoothly from brain to paper. I sometimes try writing with my non-dominant hand as well. And the fountain pen looks kinda cool too, setting a mood.