Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Writer's Block?

Writer's Block? I don't think so. I could not imagine sitting in front of a clean sheet of paper, pen in hand, with nothing to say. Then I also cannot picture myself with nothing to say in much of any circumstance.

I don't have writer's block, but I do have writer's block of focus or lack of focus. This shows up in two ways. First, I want to write about everything. I want to learn about everything and one method to learn is to write. When I hear about something that piques my interest (Passamoquoddy basket making, Trancendentalism, credit scores) I think I could learn by writing. No problem, the research is my idea of a good time. I may not have enough time, but writing works for me.

The other lack of focus is more annoying. Sometimes, I just can't get it together. I've got enough focus to watch one more episode of Law and Order or, if I'm lucky, to read a chapter or two of the three or four books I'm reading. What to do? Get some rest. I'd write more now, but I'm going in for my nap.


Anonymous said...

I have the same affliction! Too many interests, and as soon as I take up one, I'm ready to take up another.

Making lists helps. (And counts as writing, I say!) :D

Cuentos del Camino said...

I love your writing! It's so natural and conversational. Seems easy, though I know it's not!